Candidate responses

Zheng Chin: Independent

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

I've been an active member of the STPM action group for nearly 3 years, since I joined at the end of 2021. Since then these are the activities I've been involved with in various capacities.

I helped to organise a number of events including the two community picnics.

I helped out Gaetano in his 2022 state election campaign, including letterbox dropping, organising, analysing, designing, and handing out the how to vote cards and scrutineering.

I helped to design some flyers and pamphlets as well as print a number of them.

I helped out with some of the stalls over the years.

I helped to start our instagram and ran that for a while.

I chaired the STPM meetings for a while

I've attended a number of STPM meetings and meetings with the VPA and DTP.

I'm also part of the community reference group for the new Activity Centre pushing for the State Government to publicly acquire Preston Market.

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market?

Yes, I wholeheartedly support the public acquisition of Preston Market. In my opinion it's the only way we will protect the Market for future generations, despite the heritage overlay as a form of protection, the developers cannot be trusted.

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

Yes, Preston Market could become something amazing if we saw it as a public open space with community amenities and services, rather than just for its development potential. With 15,300 new dwellings we need to really think about what services and amenities will be provided to those people.

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?

Without a doubt yes.

Lina Messina: Independent

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

My connection to the Preston Market began in the late 1970s, shopping there with my mother. By the late 1980s, I was actively involved in the community, volunteering as a translator and selling material to the multicultural customers who sewed their own clothing. In 2016, my passion for the market led me to campaign for its preservation, which became the driving force behind my decision to nominate for council.

I’ve been deeply committed to the "Save the Preston Market" cause, attending numerous rallies and participating in the very first meeting at Melbourne Polytechnic, facilitated by Maria, Chris, and Manny. At the Planning Committee, I rejected the planning applications that threatened the market. I also took part in meetings at the VCAT hearing and watched meetings that were streamed online.

As Mayor of Darebin Council, I cast the deciding vote that shifted the policy direction from that of the previous council term, which increased planning controls and set a new course for the market’s future. This decision led to the update of the Heart of Preston submission and campaign, which garnered a record number of submissions to the VPA, along with a petition that received unprecedented support. Our marketing and media efforts, including multicultural language outreach, media interviews at various stages, and forums with traders, played a key role in its success.

This issue remains central to my work, and it’s why I’m running for my third campaign. My mission remains the same: to preserve an open-air, affordable fresh food market that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and culture.

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market? 

Your question isn’t entirely clear. When you ask if I support public acquisition, are you referring to state, federal government, or council acquiring the market?  When we speak about the Preston Market, we must acknowledge that the it  is currently owned by three separate property owners. Are you asking about the market's footprint, the total land owned by Salta, or the other interconnecting two sites? I’ll need more context to fully understand and respond to your question. As a dedicated supporter of the market, I believe it's important to clarify these points before providing an accurate answer. My current campaign centres around "Protect what we Love, Create what we Need." Preston urgently requires biodiverse open spaces that foster community connections, especially south of Bell Street. So, yes, I strongly support the creation, implementation, and management of a much-needed urban revitalisation in our municipality. Places of social connection are paramount for all. 

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

Biodiverse open spaces are essential for the well-being of our communities. We also need a broader range of housing options, including owner occupiers, investors, social, and affordable housing. From my understanding, Salta is leaning towards a build-to-rent model, which may increase the presence of Airbnb’s while allowing developers to bypass Developer Contributions Levies,  If I’m not mistaken, this is compounding problem for Preston. .

No matter what, we must ensure that Preston Market remains an open-air, affordable space that continues to support its intergenerational traders. This is crucial to preserving the market’s unique identity and role in the community.

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?

As a councillor, my role is to initiate a motion to produce a report.  We cannot move a motion to support or advocate for the public acquisition. In this case, I would move a motion to request a report by a certain date that will give the officers enough time to research and table a report, that explores the possibility of state or federal government involvement in publicly acquiring the market. Public Acquisition of the Market to my understanding will be influenced by the uplift which would be beyond council’s budget. A council must be financial sustainable and we do not have over $140M in our short or long term financials to purchase the market.

We would have to stop all service deliverables, not build any other infrastructure including a Reservoir Leisure Centre. Public Acquisitions must be undertaken by the state or federal government.  My Motion would also ensure that report address a Preston Market Traders committee, with an MOU for full transparency and who would undertake the property management of the Market. The report would also need to include the state of the antiquate underground infrastructure, any potential soil contamination, given that a tannery once occupied the site.

A councillor's first step is to move a motion for a report. Once that report is tabled, we can support, advocate for, and address the recommendations. So, my answer is yes, but only after the proper governance procedures are followed.

Cameron Rowe: Victorian Socialists

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

I’ve been an active member of Victorian Socialists in the Darebin area since their founding in 2018, and as such I’ve been involved in a lot of the activity related to the Save the Preston Market campaign. I’ve organised and participated in many stalls, both at Preston Market and elsewhere, on the need for public acquisition of the market and to organise a fight against the State government, PMD and councillors who are vague on this issue. I was at the big Town Hall meeting and Hands around Preston Market rally in 2023, and helped build these. 

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market? 

It’s clear that public acquisition of the market is the only way to get a completely positive outcome, and so I absolutely demand public acquisition, regardless of the opposition to it by politicians and the developers. 

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

Yes, of course. The same mentality of profit before everything, rather than people before profit, means that any development that happens in Darebin will be not guided by how positively it impacts the community. The only way to improve this for the community is to make sure pressure is felt from below through community campaigns, etc. This involves, of course, public acquisition of the market, but also demands for green space, public or affordable housing, community-led development, etc, for the planned Activity Centre. 

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?


Alexander Taylor: Independent  

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

As a strong advocate for local businesses and community spaces, I have actively supported efforts to preserve Preston Market by engaging in ongoing conversations with local community members, attending public meetings, and staying informed on relevant planning proposals. Additionally, I have voiced my concerns over the potential impact of redevelopment on small businesses and the cultural fabric of the area. I have consistently advocated for community consultation to ensure that any future decisions reflect the desires and needs of Preston’s residents.

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market?

I am fully committed to ensuring that Preston Market remains a thriving hub for local businesses and the community. While public acquisition is one potential approach, it is crucial to explore all avenues that prioritize the market’s long-term viability, including maintaining a vibrant public space. My primary focus is on ensuring that the market’s future is driven by transparent consultation with the community and supports both its economic and social roles in the area.

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

I agree that with significant residential growth, Preston’s public open space must be protected and expanded. Preston Market is not only a commercial hub but also a cultural and social gathering space that plays an important role in the community. While public acquisition may be one option, the broader solution should also involve careful planning, including increasing green spaces and enhancing public amenities, all while engaging with the community to ensure that the market continues to serve as a central gathering point.

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?

If elected, I will prioritize working closely with the community, council, and other key stakeholders to advocate for the best outcome for Preston Market. Rather than focusing on a single solution, such as public acquisition, I would support a process of comprehensive consultation that ensures all options are explored and that the final decision aligns with the community’s wishes, while also preserving the unique character and accessibility of the market.