1. Check the scorecard for your ward

    Make an informed decision about where your vote will have best impact in the Darebin elections

  2. Please follow us on Instagram & Facebook

    Follow us on social media to keep up to date with campaign. Like, share, comment & repost our messages!

  3. Grab some of our merch!

    Support us and help spread the awareness in the community about the status of the Market by buying our stylish merch, such as the large tote bags for carrying all your market shopping. Our merch is great for gifts too.

  4. Donate to the campaign

    If you are in a position to be able to donate, please do. Save Preston Market is run by passionate, local volunteers. Monetary funds help us spread the message and helps with operating costs. These donations DO NOT go towards any candidate but do fund some of our actions such as community events & the printing of these scorecards for example.

Account Name
Save the Preston Market Action Group
633 000
Account Number:
187 036 777