Candidate responses

Carmel Davies: Independent

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

For the past 4 years I have been an active member of STPM group. I have been on the street stall many Saturdays handing out leaflets and engaging with the community on the market. I have made a series of videos/ vox pops with people in and around the market to be used at the SAC hearings and in our social media campaign. I wrote a song and organized a video clip for the campaign “Preston market we wont let you go…  “ (to the tune of Mamma Mia but we had to change the tune for copyright purposes) I assisted in organizing the huge public meeting at Preston Town Hall and I was on the organizing group for hands Around the Market.

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market?  

Yes, I support public acquisition. It’s the only way we can save the market and maintain the vibrancy, quality, value for money and social importance for so many different groups in our community.

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

Preston market is already open space and a community gathering place with a rich history that reflects the various cultures and community groups of Darebin. What stupidity to not recognize that value and lock it in permanently. This is the perfect opportunity to put it in public hands give security to traders and the wider Darebin community.

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?

YES, if elected I will move a motion for public acquisition of Preston Market.