Candidate responses

Cat Rose: Victorian Socialists

1. To date, what actions have you taken to support the saving of the Preston Market? Please list your actions.

I've volunteered with STPM directly, helping with staffing stalls, letterboxing, coming to campaign meetings, doing promotion via the email list and Instagram page, and assisting with the successful town hall meeting to discuss the market's future. Since my time in STPM I've continued campaigning and advocating for the Preston Market through Victorian Socialists' work, discussing the issue with residents, letterboxing and doorknocking about the market and the ongoing campaign. I've also made sure STPM events have been advertised through our networks to assist with promotion.

2. Public acquisition of Preston Market will ensure the improvement, greening & community management of Preston Market. Do you support the public acquisition of Preston Market?  

Yes. This is the official policy of Victorian Socialists and supported by all our candidates standing in Darebin. The Preston Market is a significant community asset and should not exist at the whim of whether more profit can be made through real estate. I am aware that STPM has put forward an alternative design proposal to renew the market space, green the area and provide more public space while protecting the existing market structures and heritage. I support this community proposal over others, public ownership would ensure we get to seriously consider these ideas.

3. The Victorian Planning Authority acknowledges that the planned Preston High Street Activity Centre will create up to 15,300 new dwellings & put more pressure on already lacking public open space in Preston. Do you agree that public acquisition of Preston Market is crucial to addressing this problem?

Yes. The Preston Market is one of Preston's best used public spaces and should not be under threat when there are plans to further increase housing density in the immediate area. Public ownership would ensure that the community gets a say over how the Preston Market space is best used

4. If you are elected, will you move a motion within the first 6 months to support & advocate for the public acquisition of the Preston Market?

Yes.  And happy to continue putting motions to support the market as any changes in the situation unfold.